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 Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   06-16-05 20:44

I am so much tired of all this lie and dirty games, all this scammers... not only woman who asks to send some money called scammer, but also a man, who gives the vows in love, speaks that will soon arrive, writes sweet passionate letters full love - this man also scammer.... if after reception money from you this woman (scammer) disappears - means that she has stolen just your money, but if man (scammer) a long months and even years writes the letter full vows in love and promise that your personal meet will be soon - means that he has stolen your soul, precious months and years to your life and your money also..... it is so sad....

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Irina  (
Date:   06-17-05 10:29

Oh dear!

These men are just so bored with their lives, wives, whatever, so that is why they do it. If man has no intention to visit with you right away
( well, reasonably soon ) then simply forget about him, don't waste you time for that crap, Liliya.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Matti  (131.207.242.---)
Date:   06-17-05 17:06

I must say that women do that so that they first answer and they are so interested but after that they don't write anymore....why women do like that if they say that they are interested ????
I look for real love

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   06-17-05 17:52

thank you, dear Irina.... probably you are right, but it cannot give a full explanation of an event, it is severe game.... at my age it is difficult to make hasty decisions.... perhaps it is a important cause of a long correspondence, dialogue through cam... and it is true and very sad that this man not only one here.... Liliya

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   06-17-05 18:01

Dear Matty, I agree with you it is a very difficult for understanding ..... but maybe you have any idea why men do like that if they say that they are interested and love with all heart and soul???.....
P.S. I am also looking only real love with real man....

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Gary  (
Date:   06-25-05 22:47


I agree with Matti. I am looking to build a health, strong, loving and honest relationship, just like many men in my situation. I am 35, single, never been married and have no kids of my own. I am to the point of being here on this site looking for women overseas, since I am currently overseas myself. That's not to say that I won't ever return to the states, but it doesn't change the fact that I am honestly looking and am not trying to scam or be scammed by anyone.

My main concern is that no one gets scammed and that everyone, including myself, may one day find that person that will fullfill that empty spot inside our hearts. Is that too much to ask? I would greatly appreciate your comments.



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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Anna  (
Date:   06-28-05 16:33

Liliya hello)))

but u can look at this problem by another side... take it easy dont take toheart love stories on-line. it is only friendship only good time nothing more..... it will be batter for u - u have small amusing in ur life -man who send u mails, speak with u - this is thery pleasent - why not? but u can find ur real love in real life - think of reality......

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   06-28-05 22:14

I think half (hmmm half) of people are not ready to do any actions to bring their dreams into reality. They should better watch Hollywood pictures :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   06-29-05 11:19

maybe you are right , dear girls..... but it is so hurt when someone to make you fool.... life is so short and all people want to love and be loved....
I hate all these scammers and women and men..... it is shame but almost all scammers of women from our ex-country....
but I am sure that life is beautiful.... and I will able to found my special man and it is doesn't matter where he is now..... and main - ALL I NEED IS LOVE.... :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   06-30-05 01:31

Please remember that there is a "sucker born every minute",and many,many games to be played. There are just as many women in America who scam ( legally) by operating call centers which function as phone sex erotica. These are very expensive. Also,the many places which sell "table dances". I can not understand the attraction to these,because I become aroused,and then,when the song is over,so is her dance. If I do not pay for her to dance another song,she moves to another man,and you lose your attentive stand--so to speak. Then if you choose another woman,the ritual repeats itself. It is a scam-and a very good one. But it leaves the man without satisfaction. He will probably go home to watch porn-which is another money-making scam. The only thing that is not a scam is the mans hand--which does not ask for money. There are many "con-artists" out there,not just women from FSU

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   06-30-05 02:26

Blaine wrote:

>There are just as many women in America who scam ( legally) by operating > call centers which function as phone sex erotica.

Ah hahahaha well done, Blaine :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   06-30-05 02:52

Thank you very much! I will be playing here all week!!

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   06-30-05 02:56

I just wanted to point out to the nice people of this forum that a "con" or scam is something we all have gotten used to in every day life. I was a little aggravated by James,although I do respect his opinion about what I call insincere people-- of which there are both the intrigued ( insincere men ) or the intriguor ( insincer women )As the latin saying goes "let the buyer beware" or-- caviat emptor. We are not children here. I think we are all well over 21 ( except Emmy--where are you? )

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-01-05 02:50

I respect your opinion as well Blaine, and sometimes its good to have different opinions on subjects, though i think we are both looking for the same thing - marriage to a loving and caring eastern european girl.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Tim Perry  (
Date:   07-01-05 05:34

Hi James, I'm Tim from New Orleans. I came across a web site you are probably familiar with called It's run by a Canadian man living in Russia. I found it very informative, and very helpfull. In the Photo gallery of known scammers,(23 pages) I found at least 2 dozen women that I have had contact with, or have seen while browsing. 3 of the girls I was in correspondence with at that very moment. Be sure and check it out if you haven't already. Oh, by the way; speaking for myself, I appreciate your efforts to enlighten the novices who focus their search for love in the Russia and Ukraine regions. I've been doing it for over 2 years now, and have had my fair share of time wasted by scammers. My time is very precious to me, and your efforts to educate and inform will no doubt help others in the search for a soulmate. Thanks for your time. Tim p.s. I'm into rare-breed large dogs and have recently discovered the South African boerboel. Any info you have would be welcome.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-01-05 08:51

exactly right,James,with emphasis on eastern. She does not have to be from Ukraine or Russia. I am surprised how many men have become deadset on these two countries alone.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-01-05 15:48

Well I think I will remove the rabbit ears for my next picture. Ive had a few mid 20s asking to chat but giving me some other email address to go to.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-01-05 21:34

Real relationships are made in person, not electronically. Men who write love letters and do nothing are only keyboard Romeos. They would do us all a favor by staying home.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-01-05 21:36

Blaine wrote:

> She does not have to be from Ukraine or Russia.

Marry a person, not a country.


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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Zhanna  (195.82.5.---)
Date:   07-15-05 23:04

I didn't think that scamming is such a big problem, now I see that it is. Funny, at the site mentioned above I saw a picture of Jessica Alba. Is that Holliwood actress also scamming :-)))))? At another dating site I saw once a photo of famous Russian singer Alsou. I think men shouldn't be so naive and follow the advice of one men here, something like: "if it's too god, it might be not true".
I saw once a Russian program called "Wait for me" (Zhdi menya). A man came to that program from abroad (from Canada if I am not mistaken)and showed a picture of a beautiful Russian girl whom he met on a site. I think that girl wasn't real too.
PS: Now I found there a pic of Leticia Casta (a famous model, if someone doesn't know). I think men should at leats watch movies and look through some fashion magazines before they start their search. Mmm, maybe it's also agencies fault, and they also are not so atentive.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-15-05 23:25

What are you talking about... it's not possible to know all actresses and models, they are too numerous. I too do not know who is Leticia Casta or Jessica Alba. Forgive me my low knowledge of fashion world

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Elena  (212.116.226.---)
Date:   07-16-05 15:30

Liliya, I'd like to say you that negative experience is experience in any case! So it teaches us to be more careful in our choice. And, after all, if man haven't arrived for to make you happy it means he wasn't really man you need... Don't be sad and think about it, feel yourself free from it and good luck to you, Liliya, in your next attempt to be happy!:))

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-16-05 16:11

thank you Elena, it's ok now - no good without bad.... :) I know it's not my problem only.... just hurt sometime, but I know what I want to found and I will, I am sure.... :)
all the best to you and good luck

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-16-05 17:46

"What are you talking about... it's not possible to know all actresses and models, they are too numerous. I too do not know who is Leticia Casta or Jessica Alba. Forgive me my low knowledge of fashion world

We have two words for men who are fashion experts. One is "gay" and the other is "metrosexual." I will hazard a guess that most Russian Women will not be interested in such men :)

The important thing is to understand that none of this is real until you have met in person. It is all fantasy, electrons and photographs. It is not a good idea to fall in love with a fantasy. It is much better to fall in love with a person. We can build friendships on line, make introductions, but real people need real time together.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Zhanna  (195.82.5.---)
Date:   07-16-05 21:26

Even if you don't know all the actresses you should have seen their faces at least once if you watch news and movies, these are faces that are recognized at once. And there are a lot of ads everywhere, Jessica Alba's last movie (Sin City) was in cinemas 2 or 3 weeks ago only.
But maybe I can do it better (I mean have a better visual memory)as a person with artistic education.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 00:37

It is amazing to me how people from other countries are more knowledgeable about American media then Americans themselves. It is this widespread attention that creates Jessica Albas. SOme men,myself included,do not buy into it. Many of these women are vainglorious,and as I have mentioned before,I do not want a woman who is without hard earned perspective.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-17-05 02:26

It is because we export our media. Movies, music, and images are sent around the world. The cash and the flash are interesting to those who don't have such things in their culture, either due to money or history. Sure we export a lot more than media, but it doesn't come branded as "American." Those of us who live here ignore the bombardment of images from mass media. Most of us have become numb to it, especially men. It's too much, too often. Other people adore it, people who buy People magazine, for example. I'm not one of them, and I'll guess that most men aren't either.

So, I have no clue who Jessica Alba is and just could not care less. Tomorrow there will be another Jessica Alba thrust in the limelight, and another and another...... ad nauseum.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-17-05 03:44

My male friends in the UK know every single models name - as mens magazines are very popular there, whereas in USA they are not, such that american men dont know any.

Did you know that 11% of americans cant even find the USA on a map of the world. :) Need i say more - people are very cut off and isloated in USA. :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 10:25

James, I know it. I know many Americans, who graduated colleges,who have good job, but I cannot call them educated people, because they know nothing about the other world. I think Bush could begin this silly war in Iraq, because many(may be the most) sitezen of the USA are intresting only their home and how to get more money. I am sure the most Americans knew nothing about really life in Iraq before war. They know nothing about different countries and reall situation in these countries, but they have believe their President do all right like God.
best regards

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: john  (
Date:   07-17-05 14:33

If there's one thing that's hard to take it's a mouthy broad, especially when she doesn't know what she's talking about.

That's OUR president you're putting down, and OUR 1700 heroes who have died for the welfare of people they never met, but who they want to be free.

Ee zamolchat!

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 14:52

Dear John, writte English, your Russian is very bad. Your reply only tell me to be right in my opinion about war in Iraq and American sitizens.
best regards

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-17-05 15:22

Nadya, I want ask you , what knew the soviet people when Soviet Army went in Afghanistan? what are you know of this.... I know, because I was there on that war.....

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:03

Liliya makes a good point. When is the will of the people as a whole ever reflected in the decision-making of the politicians? I hate war,and do not believe we should be in Iraq. We vote,but not for executive choices which are made. We vote,yet the president chooses the people closest to him for his cabinet membership. Often these people do not have any experience. They can be a friend from school whom Bush wants to employ. It is a little frightening to me that important decisions will be made by people who are not elected by the American public. Even 40 years later,we are finding out important decisions made by men who are now dead. Nobody knew until just recently that when Khruschev gave the order to dismantle missiles in Cuba ( 1962) that there were 4 Russian submarines prowling underwater with nuclear missiles capable of blowing up any large American city. These warheads were 10 times as powerful as the ones which were used in Japan by the US ( another decision many people probably would not agree with) This was Soviet Union sneakiness,but does not reflect the will of the people,only Khruschev,who was very prideful,and determined not to be bettered in international politics by a young,brash American president.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:14

Liliya, I agree, we knew nothing about war in Afganistan. Me too. I am a offiser of Sowjet Army.I was a young girl, when this war was begun. But we lived in closed society and the simple sitizens of Sovjet Union didn't know true about that war. But when the door to the world was opened and we got all information, the most of people in Sowjet Union becam to be ashamed the war in Afganistan. I respect you and all soldiers, who was on that war or anothers.I know how to be soldier. But sowjet peole didn't need that war. It was dirty war like Vietnamese war, which the most Americans are ashamed now.
But American society is opened, but Americans don't want know true. They worry more about prices of gasoline. If to tell true,war in Iraq-it is war to get oil . It is right reason of this war in Iraq.
I am sure in future Americans will be ashamed the war in Iraq like the war in Vietnam.
In case If you defend your country-it is right war. The differenr war are dirty war.
best regards

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:15

dear John, believe me , your russian is good... go ahead, please :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:35

How nice to see you ladies are writing now

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:38

I agree that we are ashamed of now and we are, veterans of Afghanistan war do not need nobody today (I mean our governments).....
I don't know such folk in the world which likes the war, only elected people which make the politician, money, career..... only this people likes the war..... in any folk there is such people

"No family is without an ugly member"

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:50

Everybody is entitled to their opinion,but this is often how misconceptions are formed. I must emphasize that America is for the world--we are a country made of foreigners and immigrants. By the way, North Vietnam was buying the ammunition which killed so many Americans from Russia. Politics is a dirty game played by secretive people. When I was a kid,we had only 3 channels to watch on television. Every night the Vietnam war. Many of the people who actually fight in wars are only kids themselves,and only doing what they are ordered to do,as Liliya and Nadya know. I am not ashamed of Vietnam. Why should I be? Should I also be ashamed of Slavery, The plight of the American Indians,and the bombing of Hiroshima,Nagasaki,Dresden,and Baghdad? These were not my personal choices,any more then it was your choice to have the Russian army rape hundreds of thousands of German women in the fall of Berlin. What about the division of Berlin? Should anybody feel shame for this? I don`t care about oil or petro. But you must know that most military people sit around waiting for the hard duty,and when it comes--they obey their superior officers. I am sure it is different for Red Army soldiers, who used to be conscripted into the army involuntarily--with no choice of their own. I am also certain that when you say the word Chechnya--there will be many different opinions which mean nothing unless you are Chechnyan.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 16:59

Blaine , thank you, I made mistake. It is very prety to know not all Americans to think like John, only speaking about OUR 1700 heroes, but not being on the Vietnamese war like president Bush.I would like to ask why ,John ,if you are such patriot, you didn't be in Vietname?Your agewas suitable for that?
Yes, Americans(OUR 1700 heroes) were killed John and like him to could get cheap gasoline for their cars.I am very pity of these killed Americans and their parents and relatives.
best regards

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:09

STOP, STOP, STOP!!!!!!! please...... we are here to build future, to search for true love, to love and be loved.... :) life is beautiful, smile please and let's go ahead our searching..... :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:09

Most people have few choices. Work,make your home,feed your family. We vote for the president,but not for his advisors ( the cabinet ) I did not like either candidate for president in the last election,so I did not vote. There were not enough choices. You can choose to be a good person,and to not think only of yourself. You can choose to hate other people or countries,or embrace differences,and give love to your neighbor or other unfortunate people who have even fewer choices than your own. You can choose to make a lot of money to buy your spoiled teenagers cell phones and laptop computers,or you can let them learn the value of hard work and money,so they can buy their own toys. You can choose sides in war--but the 1700 mothers ,wives,and children of Americans,and the 100,000 widows of Iraqi soldiers did not have their own choice when it came to the death of their loved ones.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:19

I like you ladies,and your opinions also. It is very stimulating and enjoyable for me to read your words. I wish Tann would get in here too. Liliya,you are a gentle woman. You remind me of how America used to be--a kinder,gentler place where hippie chicks would spout poetry about peace and love,and men would embrace each other as brothers. Yes,we need growth and rebuilding!! I am a little envious of some countries where people truly stand together as a nation. I must say that I have always liked this about Germany,despite poor choices made by the past leadership. German shame is a reality that is carried now by the grandchildren of those who made so many Russian women into widows. But it is not the fault of these young people. Also right--what takes so many years to build, can easily be torn down in a day.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:21

Iteresting thing, I can tell you. I voted for first time in my life last election, when we voted our new Ukrainian president. Never before. Because it was lie before and not election.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:31

It seems to me that you had something to believe in,so you cast your vote. This is how I vote also,and I know it is true for many Americans also. I am bothered that politicians make so many poor decisions,and the people have nothing to say about it. I believe that people are not really ruled by the people--only politicians who have their own self-interests. It is my opinion that the people who sell oil play a game. The game goes like this: It is 2 dollars a gallon for gasoline. Raise the price to 2.50 a gallon,then reduce the price to 2.20 per gallon. Never back to 2 dollars a gallon. The next time gas prices go up to 2.80 for a gallon,but never back to 2.20 . It is greed,and the sooner we can buy alternative fueled vehicles at a reasonable price,the better. I would love to organize all people together to boycott ( not buy ) gas for one day. This would hurt the oil industry,and I would be a happy man. It would also make the air smell sweet if just for one day.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-17-05 17:38

In America,the greatest presidents were ones that served their country in war. Washington,Lincoln,Eisenhower and Kennedy are examples. I very much like Senator John McCain of Arizona. He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam-a pilot shot out of the sky. A good man who had no chance of beating Bush-who did not serve his country because his daddy ( the first president Bush ) kept him home. Now we may have Jeb Bush-the governor of Florida, as a candidate in the next presidential election. This seems to me to be a monarchy. Maybe we should call these men the king instead of the president

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-17-05 18:21

Blaine, I think, it is inpossible to organize all people together to boycott ( not buy ) gas for one day. :):).. I read if there will be a toulett in the car, it will be American car. Explane. Americans like and use more cars as people of another ocountries. The most comfortable cars were made for the USA. And they more cheaper than in Europe. Americans are afraid to flight after 11th of September, they prefer to use cars. Do you imagine what will happen if gasoline become more expensive? My friend only tells about prices of gasoline, when he speaks with me.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-17-05 19:15

Blaine wrote:

> I wish Tann would get in here too.

Tann is sitting here and having a chuckle to herself reading your posts :)))

I didn't find anything offensive in Nadya`s post. Presidents are human beings, humans make mistakes, sometimes silly. Starting a war it is just stupid. It is too high price as they pay by human lives.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Zhanna  (195.82.5.---)
Date:   07-17-05 23:04

I can tell you one story. I and my American man (sounds rather funny even for me :-) ) were talking about war in Iraq and I told him one (as I understand now) silly thing. He shouted that after this he will never call me again and hang on. He never, NEVER did that before. I was ashamed and only then could realise how much I hurted him and tried to call him back, but he called first. He was sorry for loosing self-control and said that maybe he reacted like that because I meant a lot for him as usually he doesn't loose his temper so easily.
PS: I told him that there was an opinion that Americans crushed WTC themselves. In fact I heard that they knew that there can be some terracts, but of course they couldn't do that themselves. I can understand his reaction as he knew some people who died there rather close and it even affected his business. I still feel ashamed for thelling that. Before I didn't think that he is so patriotic.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-17-05 23:50

Yes i heard same story from North Africans living in Dallas - it is perceived outside USA in african and arab countries that american govt deliberately flew those planes into WTC so that they could start war against arab countries. Its a very crazy notion, but some people are so ignorant that they believe this, but if all hear from your country which has no freedom of press, and the only news you hear is that americans did WTC themselves and you hear it over and over again, you can start to believe it.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-18-05 01:13

If you are interested in reading more about the internal sabotage of the World Trade Centers,and other strange news pieces ( such as the UFO sightings witnessed by many people and the mayor of Mexico City ) visit the Jeff Rense Program on the internet. It is fascinating reading. There are photographs of what is suspected to be chupacabras from Texas,and other strange zoolalogical phenomenon. Of course there are even now stories circulating that the terror in London was also conceived by some evil political source. I just read about an amateur hacker who got into US military intelligence computer files on this interesting site.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-18-05 03:41

zooalogical that is

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   07-18-05 16:12

Half is a lot. It's more like 10 percent.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: lilian777  (
Date:   07-19-05 04:46

Message deleted

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-19-05 09:32

Lilian, why did you put your privat letter here??? it is so strange... :) and who must read this?

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-20-05 05:48

very strange letter

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-21-05 09:42

hey, well I will put my two cents in on the subject.. although the subject changed. Americans are the most benevolent country in the world. We help our enemies, we pay taxes and send them to those that cut us down with words. OUr President Bush has integrity.. and he is human as Tann said. Of course we wish that every decision was perfect, but when you are dealing with inperfect humans and such a variety it is impossible that someone is going to be on the wrong side. Unfortunately there are some good Iraquis that were, but the Taliban is so evil and corrupt that they can kill thousands of their own people and no one will raise an eyebrow. But if one person gets killed that is innocent in a war,, then some people will be very critical. As the old saying goes.. WAR IS HELL.
So all points of view are slanted to each ones viewpoint.. but sometimes it isn't always that simple. Viet Nam was not a good war, but hindsight is always more simple than foresight.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-21-05 13:16

James wrote:

> hindsight is always more simple than foresight.

Very true. But does the end always justify the means if we speak about wars?

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-21-05 14:30

thank you Tann..... it is really a very hard.... as I said earlier I was on one of these war and lost there a many friends, also on Iraq war I lost my good friend ..... so it is a very difficult to hear and read..... all they are, who was fall in battle, in my memory and I love them.... I hate all wars..... Liliya

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Paul  (
Date:   07-21-05 14:58

I hear you Liliya, I had an uncle who was taken prisoner in the war against the japannese. The stories he told were unreal. Peope who have no experience with any wars do not know. We have to listen to the people who were there, and not to watch these glory filled movies.
Take care.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: john  (
Date:   07-21-05 15:18

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I was six years in the Army and as Paul says every soldier is a pacifist.
I think we should leave this subject. I will do so with a question: there were 20million Russian dead in World War 2, how many more would there have been without the brave Russian Army at Leningrad and at Stalingrad who defeated the bloodthirsty Nazis? That's why our fight against Militant Dictatorship is important, wherever it is. And my final word, like yours, is Mir.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-21-05 16:03

which is another reason I write so often about America not being all white europeans. We have taken refugees from every war torn country in the world

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: jbowe  (
Date:   07-24-05 22:45

Nadya, thats a very narrow opinion of Americans in general. I for one never agreed with the war and think that it was wrong from the beginning. Most american that I know really try to understand those from other countries and we go out of our way to make them feel a part of our life when they do come here. Americans for the most part hate to be lied to and they do realize that they were lied to about this war and they do not like to be decieved any more then those from other countries no matter who is decieveing us. And I was an officer in Viet Nam and at the time I believed I was doing the right and correct thing. It did not mean that I was in total areement of our government but once I took the oath to follow the orders of the commander in chief then it was my obligation to follow through.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-25-05 00:29

Gee, All this talk about Iraq.. I made it back from the war and I now am preparing to return to Bahgdad (Airport Palace) for another Year. I have seen how the people in an oil rich country lived during and after the war and now I get to go back to see if it is better. I do not pretend to know whether it was right or wrong to go there but we have to finish the job we started and get the country ready to survive on it's own.. I have been honest with any friends I made here telling them that i will be far away for a year..
But I do have some reservations about all this talk of the Illuminati and New World Order. (Just do and internet search). If it is true then a new form of communism is trying to take over the USA and the world. I hope we don't need a second declaration of Independence from the Illuminati if they really exist. (Bush and many high polititions from many countries are reported to be part of it.)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-25-05 00:34

Oh, I thought the Illuminati was just conspriacy stuff until I saw the show on the "History channel" called "Secret Societies". The term "Secret" alone means "NOT of the people and difinetly NOT for the people".

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-26-05 04:00

This is for Nadya about ukraine president elections - did you take part in Orange Revolution last year? I agree with your comment that previous elections in Ukraine were fake as more often you had to choose between a communist and mafia, not a good choice. My friend Vitaly also voted for first time in election and he was a voting officer in eastern ukraine during the final run-off between yuschenko and yanokovich in dec 2004. I have to confess i am fascinated by your country and its gradual change from a corrupt state to one being more democratic. Also, i hear that you have car insurance for first time. :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-26-05 15:55

James, I could tell more about really situation in Ukraine. But it
is not here. I only say to you. Political and economical situation
in Ukraine now more worse than last year. The President and his
government are only talking. Nothing really changed for 7 month. I can only tell
I proud of Kiev's citizen. Now they are really citizen of this nice old

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-26-05 16:31

Nadya - when i was in Kyiv my friend had his cell phone stolen, and we go to Kyiv police station, and it was terrible. I saw homicide detectives, having to write up report for lost cell phone, because they had no secretaries, and they had maybe 50-60 boxes of unopened homicide cases and other serious crimes from last 3-4 years, which no one was examining. Its a mess. I wish Yuschenko would visit the local police stations and see what reality is like.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: jbowe  (
Date:   07-26-05 17:24

Politics and Religon, two subjects that should not be on a site like this. There are lots of sites you can go to if all you want to do is agree to disagree. Wars have been here since the beginning of mankind and I am sure they will be here until there is no one left to fight whether if its for oil or women.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: jbowe  (
Date:   07-26-05 17:33

Back to the topic which was scammers. I believe that wghen these sites first popped up on the internet and ladies from eastern europe started posting thier profiles there probably was a lot of serious women looking for husbands. I am sure that security and being taken proper care of was a motivateing factor more then love. But over time it became increasingly aware that it was just as easier to get money from lonley men then it was tio immigrate and walla the scam was born. I think what has hapopened is that there are so many scammers now that its hard to tell the difference between those who are serious and those who aren't and men being the creatures they are often will fall right into the trap. After a few times of this then the men become jaded and then its payback time and they end of doing the same thing that was done to them. The only way that one of these site will really work and a successful resolution is if both parties are completely honest in what they are seeking. It takes more then just the occasional letter that is copied and pasted to a letter. The other thing is that ladies and men both need to actually answer the questions that are asked. Thats the quicklest way to find out if its a scammer is to ask pertinent questions because the scammers never answer them. The other is to ask for photos that are not taken in studios but to see your potential partner in thier natural invironment. Scammers never seem to have those either. Just my two cents

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-26-05 20:04

Good point, scammers.. I have weeded out many by asking for a simple new picture of the woman in the profile holding a sign that says "Hi (your name), from (her name)" I even sent them a new picture of me to show them what I meant, personalized with their name.
I have lost count of the number of actual scammers or ones that just disappeared when asked to take it to the next level of telephone calls, new pictures as proof etc. I think I might have the word "sucker" written across my picture in an invisible ink that only scammers can see. :)

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-28-05 10:01

That is a good point Roy with the sign. But it also might not be so easy for a girl to get a picture made with a sign that has your name on it. They have to have these pictures scanned and that is costly . So that might be the reason that they don't write back. It seems to me that a true scammer that is in it for the money , this would be a easy request to do.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-28-05 16:21

I doubt scammers would use their real pictures. It would too easy to find them if you can trace the IP address to the internet cafe they use. A little investigation and inquiry can get you a close IP address to where an email originated if it is not already hidden in the "details" of the email. I am sure they would hide their identies to prevent angry victims from hunting them down. Also, a pice of paper and a crayon is all that is needed to make a"personilzed" sign to hold up for a new picture.
eBay probably sells digital cameras for under 50.00 buchs as well as sales on we sites like
Is Russia, Ukraine etc, so cut off from the rest of the world that NO ONE on their street or in their town can afford a digital camera? I know I would not even ask for money if someone I KNEW even barely asked to take their picture and then email them a copy. Childrens digital cameras are only $19.95 and take great pictures too! eBay sells cameras and sales on sites like have almost free cameras after rebates at times.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-29-05 04:34

No they cant afford digital cameras - go to an electronics store in Kyiv and find a camera for under $100. By the eay thats 2.5 weeks wages to a teacher, gross wages.

I went to electric store and it was triple or qualruple prices in USA.

Also, girls do use their real pics to do scam, because who is going to stop them> You !!!!!! The local police won't and they are all very corrupt. So they are free to do whatever they want - use own name, and own pic.

An IP address to an internet cafe - some cafes are huge, like the one in Red Square, Moscow and so are the ones in independence Square, Kiev, and they are used by 1000's of people each day, so how will you track them down?

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-29-05 07:46

Roy, I agree with James.... some people can't afford digital cam here and almost all people from FSU knows what it is, but .... it is true for someone it is a very expetnsive, if in Ukraina teacher have this salary for 2 weeks, in Uzbekistan $ 100 it is income for 3 month or more.....

And about IP adress, James is right, how do you imagine to track this way? my son have internet-cafe in Tashkent and I am sure it is impossible to know who sent letter to you or had chat ...

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-30-05 00:07

Wow, I didn't realize how different it is there. I have been to central and south america which is probably like that. Also i have been in Europe for almost 6 years and thought Eastern Europe was only a little different. Wow, I should try to visit Eastern Europe as soon as I get my passport renewed..
But do these Internet cafes have voice and webcams?

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: James  (
Date:   07-30-05 01:08

You should go to eastern europe for a visit without meeting any girls, and get a feel for the place. My first visit was in May 2002 and i went for long week-end to see my friend vitaly in kiev, and it was a fun week-end.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-30-05 05:16

Roy, all ex-republic of the ex-USSR is different independent countries now... small digression to history... :)

I've visited many cities of the FSU and I know almost all internet cafe have such service like voice and webcams conversation....

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-30-05 09:24

Dear guys here, never ask your girls to buy digital cam, WEB cam to see her, only in case if you will send him these things. Because it is not polite and it is bad mannered to ask somebody to spend their money for you.You will lose girls after fist letter. Normal girls, who respect themselves ,will not answer your.
And not all Internet cafe have WEB cam. I live in the centre of Kiev, there is a big Internet cafe near my building. No WEB cams here.What to tell about region places.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-30-05 11:01

Nadya, shame on you!!!..... do you want to be like scammer??? I not agree with you, try to search and you will found internet cafe with this service, I not remember where in Kyev I was use this, but it was two years ago.... Besides it is possible to buy webcam approximately for $20-30 not so expensive, yes it is not super, but it works..... I'm sure that it is possible to find this money if you have definite goals and wishes.....

"A picture is worth a thousand words" or on russian "????? ???? ??? ???????, ??? ??? ??? ????????".....

if your man will want and if he will sure he will send , but no need to ask!!!!!

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-30-05 11:50

Well I sent my friend a digital camera after only a couple of weeks, she did not ask for it but was very pleased. I get plenty of use from it without traveling to Russia and I have a great collection of pictures from Moscow, her home town and many other interesting sites. All this sent with description, she actually enjoys taking pictures and sending them to me. Great investment.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-30-05 12:19

Dear Liliya, tell only about yourself. If you have possible to spend money for Internet cafe , to buy WEB cam( it takes big trafik) , digital cam- It doesn't mean every women to have possible to buy and use it. Many women bring up their children themself and caunt every coin.
I didn't wait to get such rude reply from you. I don't want to theach you here- you are grown enough for this. To be tolerate to other opinion - many Russians don't have such quelity.
Andrew, it was very pleasant to have read you to have such good friend in Russia. Trust and kindness- it is very important things in our life
best regards

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-30-05 12:46

I just wished to tell to you, dear Nadya, it is indecent to elicit gifts, it is humiliating and is offensive, and I am regret that you don"t understand this..... good luck to you....

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-30-05 13:18


I too thought this and was very carefull how I asked. When I sent the camera she was very gratefull and wanted to repay me somehow, she actually knitted a small table cover for me and also sent an awesome Russian hat which I wore when I was working on a project at Falls Creek (Snow Resort). This is worth a thousand camera's to me.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-30-05 13:30

but she did not ask you to send this gift, not so?

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-30-05 13:37

Nadia thankyou

She truly is a special person and it showed from the very start. We are right now chatting on ICQ and share our thoughts each day as she has a computer at home as well as her work. Tomorrow is a sunny day here and I have promised her I would ride into the city and take more pictures to send.

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 Re: Scammers.... why so.... for that.....

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-30-05 14:42


No, I asked her because I wanted recent pictures. of her and where she lived.

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