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 Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 03:01

With respect to Jake!!! I mentioned in another thread about the condescending and sneering attitude of pompous Brits--more properly Englanders. Yes--you guys are my cousins,and I respect you for that. I embrace Caucasians--after all the word itself comes from the root word " Caucasus",and we all know where that is!! I do not care about the war for American independence,the war of 1812,the indenturing of American seamen, the Tories ,WHigs,Republicans,or Democrats. My attitude is somewhat liberal,and I feel closer to the pot-smoking Libertarians than any other party. I am also more socialistic in my ideals than I am capitalistic. I do not accuse you-Terry,of being a pompous ass,but many of your countrymen,like my own,have too little respect for other men--or even societies.. A joke is a joke! ANd I do not mind being teased or called a Yank or even a Wanker. But to presume just because you are European that you are better,more intelligent,and more politically and socially aware and correct than me,simply because I am an American,is bigotry. I know an Englishman in Washington state--he moved here to establish his own business because he felt that England was overtaxing him ( sounds vaguely familiar ) I also know people who have homesteaded in the national forests of America to escape the tyranny of American taxation. I certainly do not like my tax dollars being part of the billions of dollars that are given to Israel each year,for example. But this is not my ideology. Anarchy must have a pretty strong base to support the overthrow of government. Our 3rd president,Thomas Jefferson,said we had the right to abolish and reestablish the ruling faculty. As Americans we are diverse. Uk also has many different nations living there--but the prime reason for the birth of America was escape from dictatorial countries. We have always been a haven for the immigrants of the world--this,in my opinion,is the only thing that makes us different from other countries. ANyway--no disrespect intended for any Brit bro`s out there!! I am not beating the American drum,just not wanting the simple hard working Americans such as myself to be beat by arguing jackals of self-righteousness

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-19-05 10:27

Is this a rant or just very poor pop sociology?

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 10:31

Do you think there is more to be learned by this-your question? If so please enlighten and educate me. I want opinions and worthy conversationalists,ot else I would not pose my comments in the "rant" column.

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 11:18

I just read your thread on Jacob`s posting,and wrote a very nice response to you,but then lost it because I forgot to log on. I am glad with respect to Jacob, because I am not polluting his topic with my own. I believe all people are fragments of the universe ( stardust),and each one has his own significance,worth value,and destiny. It is difficult to judge people you are close to-let alone a person across the Atlantic. Although I have not been to Europe,I have been all over the North American continent. I have experienced every culture here. It is the same,yet obviously different. People are predisposed to believe in ethical sterotyping. Mexican people are silently suspect until they realize you are listening to,and care about them and their culture. I am invited to Sonora or Nogales,or am welcome to go to Victoria or Vancouver,or back to Costa Rica. It is also why I never have to worry about finding work. I am honest , sincere, genuinely care about people other than myself,have good communication skills,wit,and do not take myself too seriously. It breaks down cultural barriers. We are all distantly related,whether we like it or not. ANd we all have something in common-even if it is just that we use 2-ply toilet paper,or put on our left shoe first. Respect for a person,their language,and their home is universal in my opinion. In any relation,whether it is mother-son,friend to friend,employee to boss,husband to wife,owner to dog,their has to be at least the ingredients of respect and honesty--even if there is no love. My point in posting was that I have experienced much ethic stereotyping and prejudice,as an American,and I resent it.It denies and downgrades me as an individual. It is wrong to condescend to people on the basis of their country,especially without knowing the true content of their character. And this is only done when individuals communicate for better understanding.

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 11:44

I just wanted to add in response to Terry--It is not Euro culture that has ever influenced my life--unless by this you mean the rigid disciplinarian beatings from the impeccably correct Germans in my family. My Swedish influence is lefsa,lutefisk,saffron bread, gaffelbitar,coffee cakes, large feet,and that is it! My native american influence --well let`s say I could not be red enough,white enough for anybody,and I suffered from racial hatred even inside my family--so I grew up to disassociate with any ethnic cliques,and to be quite repulsed by the binocular vision of hate or bigotry-inspired people who disregarded my individuality and worth value as a human being. I defend oppressed or brutalized people,and have the scars and broken teeth to prove it. But again--I wrote this topic because I tire of the endless circle of dogma,and derisive statements about Americans ( me! ) which I have endured because of this dubious honor of being born in America. Hope I don`t get bashed for calling my birthplace a "dubious" honor now. I have no beef with you guys. Live long,prosper,and be successful in your endeavors

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-19-05 12:16

Blaine it does no one any good to take themselves too seriously, I certainly don't!! I have never claimed to be superior to any one in my life, but neither do I feel inferior. Unlike you I have travelled over most of this world and lived for extensive periods in other countries. This has taught me one thing, that we are all similar under the skin. It matters not to me whether you are black, brown, red, white, or any combination of that. My own son who I love to bits is half white half Asian (Indonesian). If you feel that others (apparently Limeys are the worst) are giving the impression that they are superior in some way perhaps you should look at why they want to "have a go". I for one enjoy reading your lucid well thought out topics and threads. I am sure you would enjoy a visit to the UK, and feel free to look me up at anytime. You might just find that it could open your eyes a little to what the rest of the world is all about, there is nothing which beats hands on experience. As I said in my last thread Blaine we reap what we sow.
A final thought for you. My niece is a famous TV star over here and her husband is also. He is Black, his name is Lenny Henry (look him up on the net) About 10 years ago he was signed up by Touchstone to do 3 movies. In the first they starred him in a movie where he was supposedly running from the bad guys and disguised himself as a White man, he spent the whole movie as this White man, guess what Blaine NO EXPOSURE. On top of that he also did not like the racist attitudes he found, objected to being called boy by others and all in all just wanted to come home. He told me that although here in the UK he had met some racist attitudes, compared to the US it is negligable. The point I'm trying to make is I suppose that it is a matter of perspective, and looking in from the outside gives one a different perspective.

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: James  (
Date:   10-19-05 13:20

Come on Terrry. We don't have any more pious attitudes than obviously you do. Sure we have attitudes as well as more others. I'm sure that England / England has their problems as well with that, maybe some overconfidence .. for what I don't know . But Blaine, I don't think that we really have to defend anything about America. Why
do so many of these people move here to live? Because they see it as
a better way of life. And they will surely take their money and invest it here or earn a good living . My dad has sold a variety of properties to a guy that moved here from the Middle East. He will bash America , but why is he living here... because it is the best place that he wants to live. So most people that say something need to look in the mirror. I have traveled to many countries in Europe and Russia and Ukraine and I don't sense when I am in these places a personal bad attitude towards me or my country. But who knows.. maybe will run into someone that does.

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-19-05 15:14

I think you have missed the point I was making completely, please see the thread heading.As for your other points perhaps you should go to London a little more, there are literally thousands of Americans living there. So its a two way street friend. I worked in Boston for two years as I mentioned in an earlier thread, (not at my behest my company sent me there) I worked with Ford Aerospace, on a joint project. So maybe I have a better insight than you on our cultural differences.
By the way pious is something I most definitely am not, but better to be pious than boastful I think. You might note that I was not having a go at our American cousins James just trying to put forward a different perspective. It is quite correct what Stephen has said earlier, you might find that compared to other europeans we british have an affection for the US, perhaps because we share approximately the same language, (I wonder where that came from). However as always it seems that my pitiful attempts to insert a modicum of mediation into a discussion have as usual fallen on deaf ears. There are none so blind as those who will not see. God Bless America, and every other country in this wonderful world of ours

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 15:27


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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: James  (
Date:   10-19-05 20:13

Amen Amen Brother. OK Terry.. well said.

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 21:26

Read,understood,duly noted and appreciated. That is what a forum is all about--perspectives of opinion. The search for the women is on another page. At last this forum woke up a little bit--it was getting a little stifling in here with all the silence .

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: alex  (
Date:   12-17-05 23:24

if i can raise my head from the desk and clear my drink clouded brain i will go in search of a government grant to calculate the exact percentage of human beings who are seperatist, bigoted, small minded arses, and i bet you now its the same percentage in whichever country you choose, proving we are all just one big disfunctional family!!!!!!

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 Re: Limey Superiority

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   12-30-05 09:11

since I left this thread,the people who so acidly retorted in their objections to my personal observations have come and gone. My poorly structured "pop sociology" comments have gone to the wayside . I could regenerate this thread by beating my American drum and making the comment that the USA is the greatest country in the world----but I will not go there. Anyway,it seems my english cousins ( vile detractors ) have gone on to their tea and crumpets--they wanted the last word,but were unwilling to go the course of this thread,which I did not create to anger anybody--only to say that certain pompous asses feel they are stratospherically superior to other english speaking or American speaking people. I did not point anybody out in particular,but I seem to have Drawn them out anyway,with the exception of Terry--who should have stuck around so I could harangue him with my mindless pop ignorance!

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