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Автор: Tim (---.sip.asm.bellsouth.net)
Дата: 21-06-12 21:04
Larisa claims to be the divorce lawyer for my ex-wife, but she has been very malicious in trying to cause trouble for me just in order to do so (under Alisa's orders). I have never met her, but think that she is not a lawyer and is either a close friend / classmate of my ex-wife Alisa OR that she may be Alisa herself. In any case, I know that she has told lies about me and seeks to slander me whenever possible. She definitely acts without ethics and very unprofessionally.
I am not seeking to make my ex-marriage open to the world, but I was a victim of fraud (almost all my ex-wife's marriage promises were almost immediately broken) and severe (verbal, emotional, and physical) abuse. However, all this pales to the result of my ex-wife keeping me from having any interaction with our son. I am trying to move on with my life (other than trying to see what might be done to develop a relationship with my son). Now to top all this off, Alisa/Larisa is seeking to smear my name all over the web; all while Alisa has cut off all direct means of communications. Alisa had refused to even let me see the divorce filing and other court documents.
As to why Alisa is doing this (through Larisa), I have strong thoughts about the matter related to Alisa's past behavior and comments. Suffice it to say, Alisa wants to be as hurtful as possible, even though I kept my promises to her, but she has broken just about every one of her promises to me.