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Author: Lorentz (---.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: 05-09-06 10:35
Sam, as always, excellent post. – It appears also that you got some excellent replies. Their general point being the correct and truly only positive response, which is, don’t fight City hall and learn the ins and outs of how to make the system work in your favor.
Your post however asks the question – is “our” government helping us ,…OR,…????
Plus you make the comparison to our current illegal alien “issue” that is being loudly protested, and so covered in the media. The answer to both is – of course not.!!!
As to WHY our “public servants”continue to behave in the manner they have, is political agenda hidden from the voters, which would make for huge copy if you could find the program in writing. You can bet it will gather political discussion in an election year, if you are on team Arnold or voting for the “other guy.” By next year it will be ignored again.
Recently, I was at a get together at a friends house and the guests began to banter about a discussion of the protests and surrounding circumstances, which eventually ran down to
consensus of perplexed non-conclusion. Considering that unlike myself, most of my associates are, well educated and well informed, this surprised me, so I chimed in that
Illegal Mexicans are here because “someone” or enough people with juice want them to be. Big business, agriculture and hosts of others have cheap labor that they can exploit for profit. I also pointed out that the general public is not to be ignored in this exploitation either. I asked, ”how do any of you think that you would handle going back
to mowing your own yards, cleaning your pool, your house, washing your car, if you have a big project to do yourself, it is common for us to go down to the local do it yourself store and see Mr. Manuel Labor and his brothers Paco and Chuy standing around waiting for some Pinche Gabacho to come pick them up for the day. –If we all know where they are and the INS or local business licensing guy isn’t out there rousting every Chican with a leaf blower on his back, there is no active effort to curtail this. I can guarantee that IF the U.S. wanted to establish a Tortilla Curtain across the border, no one would get across in any significant number. Has this issue been good for the average American, well, ask Michael Moore and mention NAFTA and see what happens. For the protests, they are just a gentle reminder ( in an election year) that the problem is so old that there is no longer a clear “majority” of any ethnicity in California. –Will any significant change come into place after the elections are held. ??– I doubt that you will see a bunch or white folk out in the field picking strawberries any time soon.
As to the beautiful educated Russian women, it was crystal clear to me upon hearing what you had to go through to bring one of them to this country that quite simply – they are not wanted. Some grouping “here” with power had sent the message to Uncle Sam,- Sam, that the Ruski’s were persona non grata , and steps were taken - which have to be in concert with the government in the FSU to stem this flow. I should point out that these regulations are the life blood of the scammers and without them, the scam folk would be out of business. ( I am thinking however that the computer, phone, and travel industries have probably profited from these circumstances, - I’ll bet Russian tourism is up too.)
Who knows who it is, - because it is covert and certainly unstated policy. Only that it is and that it is un –American is what is important. To further stem the flow, - the original
misbegotten regulations not performing as well as “whomever” was satisfied with, Prez Bushy Boy signed into effect the new laws which you now speak of.
If there was no other clue, outside of him endorsing it, that these reg.s are all B.S. – the fact that they were put in place under the U.S. Code for the prevention of violence against women –(Beyond a doubt the worst, constitutionally violating, discriminatory, gender bias, Nazi – SS like bunch of laws ever to scrape along the already filthy floor of congress,)- is statement enough for anyone even slightly familiar with the ramifications of these laws, to KNOW that the stated reasons for the “need” for this new law are all lies and fabrication. – I don’t know about you, but talk of slave traders, spousal abusers, and domestic violence on some dramatic rise in incidence is something I sure have not seen any large protesting about, or read any thing on, and I know of no “official” study that has been published to substantiate this horse fluey that has insultingly been “fed” to the public.
- To get this completely straight, you have to consider and ACCEPT that this has been such a HUGE problem that the U.S. government has taken steps to protect foreign nationals living outside it’s borders ( another word is jurisdiction,) – against being potential future victims, of potential various crimes that might potentially be perpetrated upon them, BY AMERICANS in spite of the fact that there has been no legitimate demonstration that there is any significant risk of this happening at all, to protect THEM and help insure THEIR safety, should they potentially decide to come to the U.S. where there, at some future date, they potentially could become naturalized citizens. “Well geeze, sure sounds darn nice of the U.S. government to be so thoughtful as to protect feriners from Americans” – “Sure seems reasonable to me “- What a country !!!
Well if simply left at that, you might accept all as ‘good’ and necessary thing, even if a bit pre-emptive,- If - you had the native intelligence of a house plant and there were not all those other caveats involved. – What kind of influence might you consider it would be if it became widely known that the IRS was going to manditorially audit each of those tax returns submitted when one of those applications was filed ?? – Talk about Nazi like police powers, who isn’t afraid of the IRS that has any substance at all ?? –
Face it, the U.S. has attempted to make it so difficult, uncomfortable, time consuming and expensive so as to dissuade and sometimes prevent YOU from engaging in this endeavor. You are now receiving this message loud and clear. Of course there are ways around it, and if you are wealthy or well connected, laws do not ordinarily apply to you anyway in this country. – For the average joe however, the intent of the government is clear. The problem I have with it is that they have been incredibly dishonest about saying why they want this, and completely covert as to who the power behind this policy is. Without the lies and the special interest these codes would not be in place, and that is what is wrong with them. –
Sincerely, Lorentz
Prior to “arriving” here at this site ( I risk say no more,)
I had no idea that the average folks in the F.S.U were restricted in any way from coming to the U.S. / Canada and the U.K. – Save for perhaps economic consideration, I hadn’t a clue that any one of them could not simply just pack a bag and take a vacation to Disneyland. Upon learning of the difficulties involved in actually meeting and seriously interacting with a lady from that region, my very first thought is that while perhaps it is not, for obvious reasons, stated, “someone” in, or who has great influence in our government, – simply doesn’t want these people here.
Having no way to know what the true reason behind this decision is, ( and still do not, because it is a lie,) I immediately considered that these restrictions comprise the sole single reasons that the “Scammers” we discuss on every other thread here, exist at all.
I am certain that the average “Joe” still does not accept the illogical and ( intended to be)
Increased difficulty,inconvenience and expense of him having to go to the F.S.U – when he has no desire to be there in the first place, only to arrange – at length – ( not very conducive to romance,) just to have his fiancé transported back to him to see if she likes things here. “Someone” is sending a strong message and is doing so with the assistance of the F.S.U. government entities. ( I would LOVE to make public the details of that agreement, because whatever it is or is not, it is certainly Un- American. ) Once the “new” laws you discuss that our esteemed Prez. Signed to place them in effect, I knew for certain that “someone” had been dissasitfied with the results of the old system and was looking to make it even more restrictive, less attractive, more difficult and expensive.
As I am sure you are aware the laws were passed under the “guise” of regulating the rampant incidences of reported domestic violence and spousal abuse in ‘email” brides.
The “legality” of it fall under the highly politically touted, much abused, completely discriminatory and gender bias, U.S. Code FPVAW – one of my favorite subjects in life.